January 21, 2009

Thank You Notes


Visit the site and leave a thank you note for W.


page13 said...

Nice video on the site as well. Makes me smile to think of all the leftists whose stomachs will churn if they even bother to watch.

Anonymous said...

I have been appalled by the amount of disrespect shown to the outgoing president. He may not have been perfect, but no one is really privy to all the information he had available to make various decisions and who's to say someone else wouldn't have made the same decisions under the same circumstances? Everything that's wrong with the county isn't solely his fault. Not to say he doesn't hold responsibility, but the blatant disrespect is just astonishing.

Anonymous said...

It was W's arrogance and smugness that brought the disrespect. He disrespected many Americans as well.

page13 said...

...astonishing indeed

mjloehrer said...

"Thank you, GW". Because of you I'm wasn't afraid to take my kids to the mall or any sporting event. We were able to worship without fear.

Sean Schafer said...

It seems a good portion of the vitriole and hate come from that same damn guy. You know the one named "Anonymous". who is he and how is he on so many websites. This guy is like Santa Claus. HAHAHA

page13 said...

...on a similar note, when I was a kid, I used to believe there was a giant place called...

All Turns, New Jersey