Page13news was there too.
I've written
here before about the hostile government takeover of a commercial property in Abington to, in part, honor the campaign promise of Abington Democrat Commissioner Lori Schreiber who is running for re-election. It was Schreiber who promised four years ago to
do something about the vacant property at 1180 Easton Road in the Roslyn section of Abington.
About 40 protesters, led by libertarian and former Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate, Ken Krawchuk, gathered at the property subject to the hostile takeover. Then, one by one, the group walked in the rain to each of the homes of Abington Commissioners, both republican and democratic, who supported the move.
From the sidewalk they loudly proclaimed their objections to the politicians and let passers-by know why they were gathering. Some of the conflicts got testy as protesters and two Schreiber supporters argued as they marched. No violence, just heated honest disagreement.
Schreiber's November opponent, Lou Guerra, was not in attendance.
Page13news will have further information about the status of the current court fight between the owners of the property and the Abington township when they happen.
I have been following this issue intensely, all year; I have testfied monthly since March (except for when Guzzardi and I were muzzled due to the desire for certain commissioners to avoid hearing our truths). After we sued under "freedom of speech" considerations in the Right-to-Know law, we prevailed behaviorally...for I have been able to make complete presentations since then.
Because of a 3-minute rule, VIctor Krievins and I were able to provide 8 pages of input in segments totaling 21 minutes...of the 140 minute meeting.
The prognosis is superb that the project will be killed; the latest vote is 8-7, with one GOP vote having flipped.
The underlying forces are political, for Lori has made this a campaign promise; other D's in MontCo and Harrisburg have helped funding.
More information is available to anyone who is interested; i can remit my serial resolutions in response to an e-mail to
The people have spoken and continue to speak against the outrageous purely political motives of Comm Lori Schreiber! We will be victorious! Victor B. Krievins, Abington
Abington Issues
We need more people to speak out against the taking of this property and to speak out against the Abington Township Commissioners. It is time for the Commmissioners to stop hiding behind their three-mimute public comment rule.
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