September 9, 2009

Abington Free Speech in Peril?

A prior post here summarized the hostile government takeover of private property in the Roslyn section of Abington Township.

Commissioners from both sides of the aisle approved the takeover and the owners have filed suit to stop them.

In a side story of sorts, Dr. Bob Sklaroff and Bob Guzzardi, esq. have filed their own suit against the township regarding their free speech being squelched on the issue. Abington's solicitor had recommended the board not hear these two gentlemen's problems with the hostile takeover because, as you will see below, the issue is currently being litigated in court.

While neither Bob mentions the hostile takeover aspect of this story, it is interesting to hear why they have issues with the planned use of the property and why it is they feel their first amendment rights are being trampled on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the bobs are crazy freaks. hope they get counter sued.