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view from the Washington Monument |
It was partly an award show for several unsung American citizens, mixed with an American Hero version of the Emmy's or Grammy's, minus all the self-aggrandisement that comes from Hollywood. It was sprinkled with recognition of what happened at this historic location 47 years ago. And it was smothered with a heavy dose of God, faith (not religion), and a return to Divine Providence.
"Just who do you think you are?", Glenn Beck asked himself several times over the last several months including one visit to the steps where Dr. King inspired a generation of Americans with his dream.
Critics have asked the same question of Beck, but with a tone in their voice which seemed to indicate they were cocking their guns, ready to fire if he didn't pull off his plan to hold the rally. He had no intention of putting Jack back in the box. Despite threats of violence to himself and others who dared join Glenn on stage, he would not back down from this day.
Neither did the over 500 thousand who chose to stand with Beck around America's Reflecting Pool and, God forbid, reflect on His role in our lives.
Honor individual American citizens who make our country great; honor our brave soldiers; honor the legacy of Dr. King; honor God. It was time we restored the meaning of honor and Beck provided the stage.
Though Tea Party groups from across the country provided logistical assistance (organizing over 1,400 bus loads of rally attendees), this was NOT a Tea Party. It was NOT a political event.
Two weeks from now the political event takes place. The 2nd annual 9-12 Taxpayer March on Washington will take place. There will be signs, flags, and very clear messaging to our elected officials in D.C.. Beck didn't want this to be a political event and it wasn't. Yes, Sarah Palin was there. But not in her political persona, rather as a Mom of a soldier, honoring his service our country.
Glenn has spent the last year saying no matter what your political affiliation, if this country doesn't return to the fundamental principals which propelled it to the position as the world's guiding light, we are collectively doomed. He has spent the last year educating his listeners about the Founders. What inspired them? What motivated them?
The answer: Divine Providence.
page13news' perspective |
The belief this country is destined to greatness because of the freedoms provided by a strong relationship - no matter which form it takes in your life - with the Creator. The Creator who endows us to the rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. No government agency, no politician, can provide these rights. If you think they do, you enslave yourself to them.
As he wrapped up the event, Beck offered an observation. He told the audience at yesterday's rally, no matter what the number officially given to the massive crowd, it would be seen as a failure if it simply ended there. If we didn't take this opportunity to reconnect with our Creator and change the priorities in our lives, the sun will set on the shining city on the hill.
Laus Deo |
At the very top of the Washington Monument are two words facing the heavens - Laus Deo - Latin for "Praise Be to God". No visitor can see these words because it's a message to the Creator. Laid after the Civil War, at a time when our country finally rid itself of the scourge of slavery, it symbolized the mood of a nation during a time when it need healing.
What happens now is up to us, as it always has been, God willing.